The Shark House - Chapter Special - Bayside Timeline

Bayside is a mysterious land nestled between America and Canada on the East coast, hidden on all sides by forces of nature, a mountain of eternal winter, a forest labyrinth that no human could navigate and a sea guarded by a unique current that no ship can sail on.
Historians have battled so many riddles to try and piece together everything and have divided Bayside's history into eras.

Ascension Zero
The ancient eras of the BC timeline speak of a group of spartans who sailed away from their homelands disgruntled by the failing Greek Empire, they would be the first to arrive in the mysterious land they dubbed Adeiázo, the Greek word for empty as the land had no evidence of an active civilisation, it's first King Apollo would declare the order of the gods to be over and that they would ascend back to Zero.

Silent Vikings
A group of Vikings known as the silent arrived in Adeiázo, ruthless conquerors who cut out their own tongues so no one would hear them coming, the battle would last several months until an accident exposed a mine filled with millions of precious minerals, a truce was called between the warring sides and a new name was given to the land known as Krustallos, the Greek word for Crystal.

Cerulean Wizards
The Vikings and Spartans found all these gems embedded into the lands but nothing about them could really help the civilisation grow, a call out to a group of brilliant alchemists from the Kingdom of Great Britain allowed the gems to be studied and reforged for the coming storm that was the age of exploration.

Jesters of Malice
With trade routes now established by ship, the Wizards would hire a group of rogue traders known as the Jesters of Malice, they were expelled by the Kingdom of Great Britain for extorting the noble class, they were the perfect traders for a land well hidden from other nations hoping to claim the land by force.

Duke of Montfort
Duke James Montfort escaped Salem with a hundred witches, successfully navigating the forest labyrinth, the witches unlocked the secrets of the gems bringing a new era known as Montfort, crowned with a brilliant castle by the lake, however Duke Montfort would be driven mad by exposure to the gems and the witches who imbued them with the dark arts turning him into a beast, it is said he still roams the land of modern day Montfort Park.

Blood Ravens
The age of piracy during the early days of the industrial revolution gave the land of Montfort much to think about, the witches coven ascended to noble women and governed the land with gemstones in hand, a deal was made with the dread pirate Charles Cervantes the Blood Raven, in exchange for protecting the land, Blood Raven was given Aquamarine and Peridot as well as a harem of witches for himself.

Hidden Aces
The aftermath of World War I gave a sense of nervousness within Montfort, their fears would be realised with the rise of the Nazis, brokering a deal between the allies of France, UK, Greece, USA, Norway and Canada, they allowed the building of factories to participate in World War II, this alliance became the Hidden Aces; in exchange, they were given free reign to rebuild the existing town into a glorious city, the first elections would be held in 1947, won by Charles McCoy, his daughter Gracia would become only the second mayor of the now renamed Bayside in 1975, a role she still holds today.

Majestic Giants
The fallout of the Vietnam war forced Mayor Gracia to close all the military factories when she came to power, the transition to the automotive industry brought in Italy and Germany as well as Japan to the ever growing city, the Majestic Giants would create the Grand Highway that surrounds Bayside in 1979, the late 90s would even see the arrival of a mountain settlement run by Japanese business developers who left following the crash of the Japanese stock market in the 90s.

Present Day
Mayor Gracia plans to retire and pressure mounted by the pandemic has seen the land of Bayside become hot property for countries that have a stake in it, noticeably America. The next great innovator will see Bayside become a full fledged nation, all the mayoral candidates could become president in 2025.
