The Shark House - Chapter 57 - Crane Thunder

A relentless Alice was applying pressure to Nasu and Co, each barrage keeping everyone at a distance.
"Any ideas would be great Dreamer!" Emily shouted.
"I can't get a hold of Dawn Shriners or her team, somethings blocking the system" Dave frantically calling HQ.
Even Alice was surprised no one was stepping in as she continued the battle.
"I have a crazy idea, Emily create a thunder storm, Nasu switch to Crane Thunder Armour, I'll fight Alice until then" Everyone nodded as Sylvia fights Alice personally, Nasu's armour changes to a thunder variant as Emily summons a thunder storm, Dave was keeping the soldiers off with his own troops.
Sylvia tried but Alice had the better of her and quickly delivered a smack down to the Texan, while Emily was taken down by a barrage of cannon fire.
"You think I'm stupid? I'm a one woman army, I regularly command an army whether it be workers or band members" Alice draws a blade and clashes with Nasu's hammer, each strike creating more electric energy, Alice scores a direct hit that knocks Nasu away disarming her.
"What a waste, all that advice I gave and you waste it on Dave" Alice kicking Nasu into the wall.
"You know, you belong together, you are both brimming with potential but waste it on cars and gaming, I don't know how Slippy Squad tolerates you" Alice points her blade at Nasu.
"Did anyone ever tell you, that you're too smart for your own good" Nasu smiled as Dave threw Nasu's hammer directly at Alice from behind which Alice dodges, Nasu strikes the flying hammer with a thunder punch which super charges the already electric clad iron hammer, launching at light speed like a railgun at Alice, the attack hits and launches Alice into the sky, not landing on the ground for several seconds.
Nasu shook her burnt hand from the heat.
All the soldiers stopped in response to Alice's defeat.
Within in minutes the soldiers reactivate but morph and twist into something nightmarish, hair fully down, glasses broken, bleeding and enraged, Alice gets up again.
"I'm ending this now!" Alice raising her hand as all soldiers aim at Nasu.
The soldiers fire but Dave dives in and protects Nasu.
Dave falls to his knees hurt as Alice walks up to him glock in hand. Aiming at Dave's head.
"I wonder if dead people can dream" Alice about to pull the trigger but the gun gets shot out of her hand, this is followed by a barrage of machine guns wiping out every soldier in Alice's army.
A grey haired woman and green haired woman arrived followed by a much older woman with a spear. Alice snarled at the old woman.
"Stay out of this grandmother!" Alice shouted.
"It's Mayor Gracia McCoy?" Nasu confused by the unlikely help.
