The Shark House - Chapter 58 - Authority

Mayor Gracia McCoy, Alice's grandmother arrived in the arena.
"Stay out of this!" Alice tried to approach but Gracia was guarded by her bodyguards, Trinity and Shizuka.
"You've been deceived Alice, stand down" Gracia spoke sternly.
"You think I didn't know Freddy was back stabbing both me and Cassius? It doesn't matter, what matters is grandpa's toy store staying open" Alice points her sword.
"By order of the Mayor, I'm taking the toy store off you, Alice McCoy, you are here by placed under house arrest, Wendy will take charge from now on" Gracia frowned.
Alice snapped in a blind rage and attacked Gracia.
In one move, Gracia slammed Alice into the ground in one hit with her spear, the force rattled the ground enough to cause everyone else to fall, even Nasu was shocked by the 75 year-old's strength.
Alice was completely unconscious, not responding.
"Know your place child!" Gracia ordered Trinity and Shizuka to take her away.
Gracia then called Dawn.
"You heard all that right Dawn?" Gracia communicated to Dawn.
"I initially used Alice as a double agent, sorry I had to call you to punish her" Dawn said.
"That toy store has caused her so much trouble, I had no choice, I'll take care of everyone here, you focus on the other three" Gracia spoke to Dawn.
"Hellcat should've caught Lisa by now, I'm expecting Cassius any minute now, as for Freddy, I've made sure my staff had a bodyguard" Over to Dawn as she watches Cassius arrive before her.
"Barry, keep an eye on Freddy, he may make a move to stop Delta trapping Cassius" Dawn communicated to Barry.
"Hellcat status" Dawn shouted.
"Lisa is in my sights, but Kara is chasing me, I've sent Popuri to intercept, but I'm also seeing Suzuka on the radar" Zoe reported.
"Damn it all! Why can't they stay out of this?" Dawn could see Cassius was finding this hilarious.
