The Shark House - Chapter 59 - Cave Troll's Betrayal

Back in the computer room, Delta and Miles were keeping tabs on all the battles, but Freddy was about to set his plan in motion, immediately Delta and Miles were swallowed into a VR space as Freddy confronts them in a huge muscular form, but before he could do anything he immediately dodged a gun shot.
"Sorry Freddy, we kinda saw right through you, it's obvious you benefit the most from all this, so you're the mastermind" Barry dressed in his old vampire gear.
"Good work Barry, how are Miles and Delta?" Dawn worried about her staff.
"They're unconscious from the shock of being forced into the VR space" Barry reports but gets distracted by Delta's form wearing a tight swimsuit barely containing her busty form with kitsune features and boxing gloves.
"It can't be" Barry distracted then takes a punch from Freddy.
"Barry Black, you always were a fake hero"
Barry laughed as the two clashed.

Back with Dawn who started battle against Cassius.
"Do you realise that you were deceived Cassius?" Dawn called but Cassius laughed.
"Sounds like something he'd do but I'm not as stupid as Razzmatazz, once I've claimed the money I'll make my exit, Barry taking out Freddy is a nice bonus" Cassius kicks Dawn back.
"Good luck escaping Bayside, Quint is blocking the border, and don't expect me to be some pushover!" Dawn glowed a Golden fire.

Over to Hellcat who has finally caught up to Lisa but before she could give chase on foot, Kara Shindo arrives.
Hellcat signals Popuri to keep going as she pulls a VR space over herself and Kara.
"Big mistake Hellcat, the Highways will make sure you pay for helping that traitor" Kara dropped several weighted bracelets ready for battle.

Lisa was panicking as she was tripping over several branches but her stamina was no match for Popuri's marathon fitness, she cornered Lisa in a dead end only for a mysterious silver haired girl to take out Lisa, Popuri's eyes glowed in anger.
"She's just passed out" the Silver haired girl released a VR space.
"I'm Speed of Light Suzuka, and I challenge you Popuri Meadows to a battle" Suzuka declared.
The normally pleasant Popuri snapped bulking up in muscle along with cat ears and a tail and cat eyes resembling a pro wrestler she literally shook the ground as she walked.
"Why can't you gamers just leave my master alone!" A different voice spoke from Popuri's mouth.
"So that's your secret, you have a cat spirit inside you" Suzuka on guard.
"And I know you could exorcise me to the afterlife" The cat spirit spoke.

Four battles were raging, who knows who will emerge as the winner.
