The Shark House - Chapter 88 - Body That Rivals Gods

It had been a month since Zoe started learning rallying under Jansen Mendez, the two got on really well, Jansen was goofy but extremely kind and Zoe felt safe being around him even though she looked like the stronger person.
Zoe was falling for Jansen but something in her mind made her hesitate, the Helkin body.
All members of the Helkin family have a genetic make up that granted extremely strong well built bodies in both male and female family members, women especially had extremely well proportioned bodies and the strength to carry it.
Alot of the family hate it, they are stuck with it as the genetics are too powerful to overcome, this is why Zoe's grandfather commands that all family members learn life skills at an early age, so even if they struggle, they have all the skills they need to live alone.
One benefit it does give, is good judgement, Ramona's husband is chubby and very plain looking but by Ramona's own admission, he's kind to her, a perfect gentleman and is great in bed, they are happily married with four kids.
Zoe was finding similar traits in Jansen but her history with her body was alot more difficult to swallow, even though she overcame much of her insecurities this is a new situation for her.
The night before she set off to the Highways, she asked Jansen one question.
"Jansen, doesn't this body bother you at all? I mean this body isn't exactly normal" Zoe asked.
"You're very beautiful, I'm familiar with your back story, to bounce back from a situation like that having risked your own life to save another speaks volumes of the amount of heart you have, maybe you have snapped at a few people but most civilised people understand what you've been through, you are one of the most loved people on the Highways, not because of your body, not because you are Hellcat, it's because you are Zoe Helkin" Jansen finished with a smile.
Zoe burst into tears and kissed Jansen with deep passion, very deep passion.

The next morning Zoe awoke with messy hair feeling a sense of bliss wearing Jansen's bath robe.
"I know what I need to do, I don't need to win the grand prix, cousin Electra is way too strong, but I want to beat Kara Shindo, afterwards I want to return here" Zoe ignites her fiery red corona form, tanning her exotic skin, blowing a kiss to Jansen who stood there smiling.
