From The Ashes

Hello guys, I know its been a while since i last posted here on this world, I usually tend to post everything up on my Anime Universe World, but some things deserve their own post here on this world, so here we go :)

As you can see in the pic at the top of the post, This morning i pulled out my Super Nintendo and decided that i would try to repair the controllers i own, since i believed they both didnt work. While i was digging through the "videogame Box" ( a box that i keep all of my controllers, plugs, and other accessories like the NES Track & Field running pad, NES multi-tap, random PS1/PS2 controllers etc.)I found a third Super Nintendo Controller ,which i dubbed "The 3rd Child", simply because it was the only one that miraculously worked for some reason lol.

Well after i found the contoller, i connected my SNES to the little tv that is on my computer desk, next to my computer (which i keep my Xbox connected to) and pulled out some random games to test out the controllers.

Here are some pics i took while playing some games lol.

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Ken(me) vs. Bison - I only lost once through the whole tournament, to Sagat lol. It was my best run through of the game ever lol.

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Saturday Night Slam Masters
I was Mike Haggar (the guy on the left) vs. Oni - I didnt have the controls down very well, so i got destroyed lol, I got him back for it though :)

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles In Time

This is the greatest TMNT videogame possibly ever (besides TMNT 2: The arcade game).

I had a great time today and i just thought id share it with everyone lol. Now i just have to find another good controller lol.

Maybe in my next post ill post pics of me playing my NES :)

thanks for visiting and i hope to chat with you all soon :)
