I don't really use theO much anymore but I guess I'll just fangirl about Vocaloid on here~
- Created By VillageIdiot
Dunno how many people still read this but my challenge is still going on.
Deadline is March 7, exactly a month after Q's (and mine XD) birthday :D. Check out it~Raine/VI
Poetry :D
So, I joined a group on DA called LooseLacesPoetry
Check it out and join if you write poetry, prose and/or song lyrics =) ♥~Raine/VI
Q Challenge
http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/challenges/view/419/q/ It's still going on~♥ You have a couple months left (LOL I just realized the deadline is on my two of my friends' b-day)~Raine/VI
A new year already...Hm. Hopefully it'll be fun/interesting. ^^~RaineDrops/VI