Hey, Miku Mun here!

Sure has been a while huh? Boy, 3-4 years I think...

Anyway, hello! You guys can call me Autumn if you like, since I'm not really RPing or posting much here anyway lmao-

However, after checking this place again, I've been wondering:

Should I bring this world back?

I'm not sure if the others that joined me in this world would want to come back and play their roles(especially with what we did back then good lord it was cringy). But if they want to, they can, I'm not forcing them.

But if you want to contact me and see my art, I have these:

Tumblr: autumns-art-cave
DeviantART: autumn-kouhai

Art by Nanatsuki-Jinko on deviantARTnanatsuki-jinko.deviantart.com/art/Miku-TYPE-2020-583713640

Well, that's it for now! I hope to see you guys soon!

-Autumn and Miku
