Welcome to my Vocaloid world! Personally I love vocaloid. I figured it out with the Evil Series. And I want to share the awesome Vocaloid with you. I can possibly update what I know of vocaloid, possibly not. But this is my way of showing my love for Vocaloid. XD Well lets not waste time on this small portion of my nonsense. Lets get to the point of this world, and that is... Vocaloid!
- Created By PandoraxHearts
7 Deadly Sins
Well I'm guessing everyone (or most people) have heard of the 7 Deadly Sins. Well to your surprise (or you may already know) there is a Vocaloid series on it. The 7 sins are: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, Greed, and Wrath. (Not in order whatsoever.) The Vocaloid characters for this series is (according to my order of the sins)Len & Rin, Luka, Meiko, Miku, Gakupo, Kaito, and Gumi. Here is a picture of them all.
Now I should explain who and what they do in this series.
Len & Rin Kagamine; Pride:
This is the (I think) well known Evil Series. In this story Rin is an evil queen. She is a queen with too much pride, she is like an evil tyrant. So in this story she is in love with the king of the neighboring kingdom. But apparently he has fallen in love with the princess of green, aka Miku. Oh and did i forget to mention, the king rin loves is Kaito, the prince of blue. Well with him falling in love with Miku, the most beautiful girl with green hair and the most adorable voice, she decides to tell Len, her servant and also twin brother (of course) to go to her kingdom and kill all of the girls with the green hair. So he does as he is told because he loves Rin more than anything. But he also loves Miku, but being the servant and loving Rin, he does as he was told. Then on the next day, Kaito figures out what has happened and he declares war on Rin's kingdom. In the end Rin and Len cannot escape, the only way is to have only one escape, and that one is to escape is Rin. This happens because them being twins, Len takes Rins place and dies for her. Yes yes very sad, but if you would like to find out the ending sad or happy you will have to watch the rest of the videos
Luka; Envy:
In this story, Luka is a taylor and she has a husband who she thinks is unfaithful. She was the best taylor in her neighborhood, so she was the talk to the neighborhood most of the time. But the one thing that was always on her mind was her husband and how he never comes home. So she continues worrying and she sees her husband in the main street with a girl in the red kimono and starts to think that he likes woman more when they wear red kimonos. So Luka starts to make a red kimono while crying because of her husband and sharpening her scissors while doing so. The next day the neighborhood seemed uneasy because there was a murder. Then she sees her husband by a bridge with another girl, he seemed to be sad now. The girl with him had beautiful hair and was conforting him. She was wearing a green sash and she became envious of her because she thought he liked girls wearing green sashes. So then she started her work, she began working on a green sash while sharpening her scissors all the while. The next day, the neighborhood has become more worried, there has been another murder. Luka yet again sees him in a hairpin shop with a girl, Luka notices the girl seems to be very young. Her husband buys the girl a yellow hairpin. So then Luka goes back home and starts to work again and notices that her scissors are a diffrent color than they were before, but she ignores that fact and continues on working. When she finishes her work she decides that if he doesnt come to her then she will go to him, so she does so. The way she dresses when she goes to see him is wearing a red kimono, green sash, and yellow hairpin. The next day when she goes out, the neighborhood has become terrified, because now there was a man killed. Now a whole family of four has been killed. The day she went to go seem him he talked to her as if he had never met her before. So to finish it all up for those who are still confused on this, he had never been married to Luka and she had only been watching him because she envied him. He had a wife and children already. That was the girl with the red kimono (Meiko) the girl with the green sash (Miku) and the girl with the yellow hairpin (Rin). So to get revenge Luka killed them all and thats why the neighborhood was uneasy and why the husband (Kaito btw) was depressed.
Meiko; Gluttony:
In this story there is a woman named Conchita and she ate almost everything. She ate the food, she chewed the bones, and when that was done, she ate the plates. Then her 15th chef asked to be discharged, but everyone who betrays her will pay a heavy price, and that price is to be eaten alive. So she did. Soon enough there was no one there, and nothing to eat. Then she looked down at her right hand and noticed that she hasnt eaten everything yet. So she ate the most gruesome meal. So in the end she ate everything and commited the sin of gluttony.
Miku; Sloth: