

There’s a vampire that walks this earth, trying to find her place in this world. She has given up on drinking the blood of humans, and only drinks animal blood.
She has moved from town to town, state to state, and has only been at each place for only a few months before the people noticed that she didn’t change. So she was forced to leave.
But she has found a nice, little town in Pennsylvania. She moved into a house in the middle of the woods, perfectly shaded area. She renovated the house many times, making it a huge 3 story house.
She was planning to have a family, like all the other families she came across.
While traveling, she found a young man who had been beaten and left to die in the middle of the forest. He was bleeding from several wounds across his face, down his arms and legs, it was a miracle that he was still alive.
The vampire named Toki, went up the injured man and asked him, “Are you alight, sir?”
The man moaned, then said weakly, “Please. Kill me. I don’t want to suffer anymore.”
Toki looked at him, and immediately felt a connection to him. He’s gonna be a part of my developing family. she thought. But the only way that he can be a part of it is making a vampire, too.
She picked the man up and took him to her house, ten miles away. The man cringed when Toki picked him up, but became tranquil after a few minutes.
Toki ran those ten miles back to her house and put the injured man on the ocunch in one of the rooms she had made for her “family”.
After laying him out, she immediately got to work healing him. The vampire had many years in the medical field, that she gave him pain medication and knocked him out before stitching him up. It took a little while for the medication to kick in, but he was soon out like a light.
Toki walked out of the room to take some of the poison in her