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| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |

What Film Adaptations Owe You, the Fan

If you think there is any truth to the essay you're about to read I hope you'll post a link to send more people over this way. I would never ever ask people to do that normally but given the fact there are currently no way to submit a fanword and...

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Eoghan has arrived!
Eoghan (born from the yew tree) is pronounced O-in and clearly an Irish name.
Eoghan is my brand new laptop who came in the mail today to replace Hayato who has had a very hard life and just recently turned two.
Having a new computer means that I'll probably start dropping in on Movie Sign again and in general have the ability to hear sounds and have a CD drive which is just too awesome for words.

Ummm guys?

Anybody know what happened to Fan Words? I had this big long essay written up that is kinda time sensative... AKA hopefully published before 'The Last Airbender' movies comes out. Just.... wondering. I poked around Adam's stuff and there were a few comments but no answer as to why the little tick box is gone and there doesn't seem to be a new way to submit stuff... Am I missing something?

Kingdom Hearts: 3D

So with Nomura at E3 and the announcement of Kingdom Hearts 3D of course somebody would snag him for an interview! So he sat down and talked about the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3D game and here's what we now know:

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  • Kingdom Hearts 3D does not stand for "Kingdom Hearts 3 Dimension", 3D is a acronym of the title... Like how we call Birth by Sleep BBS for short.
  • Quoth Nomura: "'s not a remake, but a completely original game. This time, Sora and Riku are the two main characters."
  • New worlds will be introduced in KH3D
  • Quoth Nomura: "'KH3D' will be a title that enters a new step to follow the three games whose production was announced simultaneously, '358/2 Days, Birth by Sleep, and Coded."
  • As for the story itself its suppose to be something unexpected, something that to a certain extent breaks the developments that have taken place according to fan expectation.
  • Also: Expect Nomura back at E3 next year with MORE Kingdom Hearts titles

    What does this all mean... I HAVE NO IDEA! Here's what I'm thinking though: All of the Kingdom Hearts games have a deep focus on friendship. So maybe a rift between Riku and Sora? There was a rather big rift during the first game so maybe...? I dunno! If I knew where this game stood in the time line I'd have some better ideas as to what the story could be about but as is... DAMN YOU NOMURA! Looking forward to getting to play as Riku again though.

    (Oh yeah.... totally predicted that Riku would be a main character in one of the new games: HA)

Kingdome Hearts: E3

Birth by Sleep


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Not a lot of new news other than it'll use the same battle system as Birth by Sleep.

Kingdom Hearts 3D
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I can't say a lot about this game because there isn't a lot of information out there. Seems like that Square Enix has only announced that they will produce and develop a game for the Nintendo 3DS. What I'm not sure of though... is if the game will have anything to do with the screen shots they showed off at E3 which included Riku as a playable character, Destiny Island and Sora battling the Twilight Thorn.