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| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |

I love Reborn

I think I'm gonna reread the whole 'everyday' arc again. That's like 9 volumes or so. I read a fanfic today where Goku was pulling out charts and stuff (like you do) and a bunch of people were going 'LIKE WHEN THEY TEACH TSUNA TO SWIM!' a chapter I totally didn't remember. So I looked it up el quiko via wiki and then hopped over to and read it. Oh Gokudera. I heart you so bad.

The entire chapter sums up the campiness that was Reborn (why'd you get so serious on me?) pretty well. You can read it here. Seriously, I was rolling around in my bed having a giggle fit. I think I might yoink that panel of Goku with the chalk board and use it for my next intro. But then I'd have to clean it up, and god knows photoshop hates me... We'll have to see.

Oh Reborn, I love you.

I got nada....

I have... nothing to talk about. Sorry folks.

Promoted Rant

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Senior Otaku status. This is a rare honor that takes over one year to achieve on our site.

Your name will soon appear in a promotions news article on our Official World. Thank you for your deep contributions to our community and we hope you bring honor to the reputation of Senior Otaku everywhere.

- "Bossman" Adam

Ummm, something about that actually pisses me off. I've been on this site for 3 years, and while I'm not overly active... I've been here. My world is consistently in the top 60... It just rubs me raw that it took so long to get this promotion where as if I could draw it would've happened a lot sooner. -grumps- Oh well, I suppose I should just be happy.


So on the main page there's a card that has Axel and Roxas and it says something about being friends forever and I can't help the big "NOT" that flies forth from my mouth. I'm such a pessimist when it comes to Kingdom Hearts. Normally I'm a half full type 'o gal, but KH sucks all the joy outta everything. I love it, but... I love making it dark even more. -sigh- You can't be friends forever when you don't exist.

Noms de Plume

Yeap, found a title I like for my fanfic. The first name I thought of was "The Yellow Room" which, unbeknown to me, is the name of an already exsisting short story. Which kinda has a few elements that my fic has. So I quickly scrapped that one. So.. tonight I was trying to think up names. For some reason I thought it'd be kinda funny to name it 'Benjiman Franklin' or 'Samuel Clemmens' and use random quotes as titles from them. So whilst looking at dear Samuel's wiki page I ran into a phrase I'd never heard before. "Noms de Plume" which is just a fancy word for penname. Which was an idea I toyed around with awhile. Aliases have A LOT to do with this fic, the secrecy and everything. So... for right now the gun fic is "Noms de Plume" I'll probably just call in 'noms' for short. Chapter names could possibly be the real names of famous authors. Sounds cool, eh? ...At least one book is mentioned every other chapter. I could possibly squeeze a few more in there. -strokes chin-