Just Life

Um... let's see. Haven't posted in awhile. That's probably because I haven't been doing anything, mostly playing Pokemon. I'm about to go through victory road or whatever its called. Seriously, I'm the worse pokemon trainer ever. I barely tolerate my pokes, mostly just wanna beat the Elite Four + whoever they throw at you at the end. This new game is filled with too many fish/bug type. Seriously. My 'husband' sent me a Charmander in attempts to lift my spirits but that didn't work so great. He's level 43 and he's still such a baby! Gah, I can't believe it took me less than a day to take him up 42 levels. In the good 'ol days Charazard was my homeboy, pretty much unbeatable, water-resistant even. Now my trump card is the special one. Delga? Something with a D...

Still working on the space fic, but I get the feeling that I'm going to go into a writer's rut soon...

Blah. Sorry my life is so painstakingly boring.
