I'm not sure if ya'll know this but New!Fish (who I think most people wanted to be called Roxas) ended up.... -ahem- making love to the filter... and henceforth met a watery grave.
Now with this tragedy well behind me I've decided its time to move outside the realm of fish. As of late I've really missed having Shelly (my box turtle our family got from a friend of a friend and had for about five years). Basically because she wasn't a rodent (which my mother HATES) and was a pet I could actively look after and care for and actually, ya'know play with.
So I'm thinking it might be time to welcome another herp into the family. The last couple of days I've done some poking around the web and I think I've come to a conclusion. I'm going to be getting a leopard gecko. They're suppose to be starter lizards (and god knows I'm a starter) and fairly easy to care for. I did have to really examine if I'd be okay with feeding it crickets (worms aren't icky in my book... worms don't have legs) but... I've decided I'm okay with that.
Honestly I'm probably freaking myself out about the whole thing. I've done a good bit of research but... I don't know anybody who's had one first hand. So... anybody out there? If not that's a-okay, I'll just attempt to figure it out/bug people on a forum I found.
AUGH SO EXCITED! I've gotta clean out my old tank, and... ask my mom if its okay. Dad is okay with it and mom should be too. Then I've gotta go out and buy some supplies... and in January I'll be picking out an actual gecko at a reptile expo.