Birth by Sleep - Finale - Always A Way

So here’s what we’ve learned so far (and this includes stuff from Xehanort’s Report). Xehanort grew up on Destiny Island but left (Xehanort was probably the boy Riku talked about in Terra’s story) and studied with Eraqus to become a Keyblade Master. His goal was to open up Kingdom Hearts to start a new World where light and darkness lived in perfect balance. The older he became the more he realized he would need a pupil to be his new body. Destiny brought him to Ventus. He realized early on that Ventus would not be a suitable host so he decided to split Ventus’ hear in two so that he could create the ‘x’-blade. Hence Ventus and Vanitas. However, when he split the two Vanitas took most of the heart leaving Ventus weak. Xehanort thought that Ventus was going to die so he dropped him off on his home World to die in peace. When Ventus didn’t die he took him to Eraqus because 1) if he stayed close to Vanitas his darkness would slowly seep back (or something like that and 2) Eraqus would train him in the ways of light. When Xehanort dropped Ventus off he noticed Terra and thought that would he would make a good host. He lured Terra and Aqua away (Aqua being his back up to Terra) by ‘disappearing’ and letting Vanitas unleash the Unversed. He also had Vanitas mess with Ventus so he’d leave home too. He let the trio grow stronger. When they met again he took control of Terra’s heart and body. Even though Terra’s spirit wins the fight the ‘x’-blade goes haywire from Vanitas losing to Aqua. The ‘x’-blade is supposed to open a door that would start the next Keyblade War but when Xehanort (still in Terra’s body) got sucked up into the explosion. Meanwhile due to Ventus destroying the ‘x’-blade for good Ven’s heart is in limbo and Aqua vows to help Ven’s heart find its way back to his body and to find Terra again who we can only assume is still a walking piece of armor.

  • Now it’s time for the Final Episode!
  • Aqua’s standing outside of the Mysterious Tower and Ven’s riding piggy back. Oh lord.
  • She’s trying to think of a safe place to drop Ven off and… Ven summons his keyblade and a light portal?
  • Aqua smiles and is like “Well if you wanna go there, sure! Why not?”
  • So we walk into the light door. D: STOP WALKING INTO THE LIGHT GUYS, SERIOUSLY!
  • On the other end we’re at the ruined courtyard in the World of Departure.
  • Aqua hasn’t seen it like this before and… she’s a bit upset. She’s looking for something… oh jeez.
  • Master Eraqus’ keyblade is laying in the courtyard still. She remembers her promise to him that she wouldn’t have to bring Terra back.
  • She carries both Eraqus’ keyblade and Ven up to the castle. Aww jeez AQUAAAA! :C
  • Oh we get to learn what Master Eraqus was talking about WAY at the start of the game! Remember when he said Aqua, as a Master, got to know certain stuff?
  • Well here it is: If anything should happen to Eraqus and if the darkness is seeping in, she should lock the World using his keyblade.

  • Well… that’ll keep Ven safe!
  • So Aqua locks the Land of Departure!
  • Wait huh? Apparently something bad is going to happen because she locked the World? And only she will be able to solve the mystery? I DON’T UNDERSTAND!
  • Aqua’s in a fancy new room that resembles the White Room… Actually it looks like the main chamber has been transformed because Ven is still here. There’s a lot of chains and the symbol that Aqua/Ven/Terra wear are on the walls.
  • Oh god… she can’t have turned this into… D:
  • “I know it’s a lonely place, but you’ll be safe.” Lol, Aqua pets Ven’s hair. She promises that she and Terra will be back soon to wake him up.
  • Aqua leaves and… IT TOTALLY IS!?! OH MY GOD! She turned the Land of Departure into Castle Oblivion!
  • And… there’s a deep manly voice? Who wants Aqua to kill him?
  • Terra? Or at least that’s what Aqua thinks. So she’s off to find him!
  • Neither the Land of Departure or Castle Oblivion is on the World map… CREEPY!
  • Oh jeez, there’s a big darkness cloud looming over Radiant Garden. Maybe I was right?!
  • Here’s Terra! Or… Xehanort/Terra!
  • Aqua’s all like “Terra!” but… he reaches out and chokes her?!
  • He doesn’t know who he is… SO HE EFFING CHOKES HER?! Also he’s radiating darkness. Never a good sign.
  • Aqua’s all like “TERRA FIGHT THE DARKNESS!”
  • And Xehanort is like “I’m Terra? Neato? OW! MY HEAD!”
  • Oh now he seems to be catching on. He says Terra’s heart has been “extinguished” by his darkness and whips out his keyblade and tries to whack at Aqua.
  • h poop. Fun fact, Aqua is at the lowest level of all three of my play throughs… POOP! Terra’s at level 42, Ven’s at level 36 and Aqua’s at level 32.

  • Okay after some leveling up…!
  • qua’s fight with Xehanort is now… kinda pathetic. And after we’re done with that he summons that big ‘ol darkness ghost thing we see him use in KH1 and that Riku uses to capture Roxas in 358/2 Days. The big deal being there are moments were you get sucked into this… other dimension and Terra can help you if you battle your way to him.

  • So after that fight (again I might have gone overboard with the leveling) Xehanort looks beaten up and he clutches at his shoulder while LIIIIGHT starts to form around him.
  • He’s all like “Stop it, seriously now!”
  • And Aqua gets her inspirational speech on having a whole “I KNOW YOU’RE THERE TERRA! FIGHT HIM!” moment.
  • And so Xehanort resorts to what he always resorts to in troubling times: STAB IT IN THE HEART!
  • So he stabs himself and… there’s some light and the big old darkness ghost disappears? More like falls over and makes a darkness portal (think KH1 with Riku) and Xehanort falls backwards into it and Aqua jumps in after him. Then there’s a bright white light…
  • Why do I feel like something awful is about to happen?
  • Aqua’s on her jet ski and in her armor chasing Xehanort/Terra through some blackness. He’s falling away from her and… CREEPY MUSIC OH GOD!
  • “The darkness can’t have you!”
  • Slowly but surely she catches up to him (god I don’t even want to name Xehanort/Terra right now because I’M SO CONFUSED) and grabs him, slings him over her shoulder because that’s how she rolls and takes off!
  • It doesn’t seem like Aqua knows how to get out of here though and she’s gotta do some quick thinking.
  • She… pops out of her armor and gives Xehanort/Terra her keyblade blasts them off?
  • She apologizes to Ven as she starts to fall through the darkness, because… it might take her awhile to go get him.
  • She’s… gone? A light twinkles far away and… OH GOD AQUA?!
  • But now there’s a night sky and Sora and Riku are laying out under the stars.
  • Riku decides he’s going back and Sora agrees with him it’s time to go back.
  • As they walk away Riku notices that Sora’s crying.
  • Sora doesn’t know why he’s crying “it’s like something’s squeezing me inside.”
  • Riku says that “somebody up there must be sad” and Sora’s like “Huh?” and Riku explains that “every world is connected by one great big sky. So maybe there’s somebody up there in all those worlds who’s really hurting, and they’re waiting for you to help them.”
  • “Well gee, do you think there’s something I could do?”
  • “Hmm… Maybe they just need you to open your heart and listen.” SERIOUSLY RIKU STOP PLANTING IDEAS IN SORA’S HEAD!
  • “Hmmm… I dunno Riku, you say some weird stuff sometimes, but I’ll try it.” PEER PRESSURE!
  • So Sora closes his eyes and concentrates REAL HARD and he sees… Ven!
  • Sora starts to talk to Ven and… SERIOUSLY?! SERIOUSLY?!
  • A cut to Braig, Ansem the Wise and Dilan walking in Radiant Garden… OH GOD I KNOW WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN!
  • Braig leads them to… XEHANORT/TERRA! Who’s also there with Aqua’s armor and her keyblade.
  • Ansem picks Xehanort/Terra up and says (because he’s Ansem) “Young man, what ails you?” Pfffft.
  • So… even after all of that Xehanort is still on top (duh).
  • Ansem’s all like “Hmmm” and Braig’s all like “HE HE HE!”
  • So Xehanort passes out and… Braig picks him up and tells Dilan to collect Aqua’s armor/keyblade.
  • We’re in… a cave? There’s rocks with blue gemstones… or something.
  • HI AQUA!
  • Aqua walks and walks and walks and she doesn’t know how long she’s been there. :C
  • She summons Eraqus’ keyblade but… there’s four of them.
  • “Maybe… I should fade into the darkness here.” NO AQUA!
  • One of darksides curls its fist up and is going TO PUNCH HER but a sparkle light shines! And… it poofs IN ONE HIT!
  • And the light is… Terra and Ven’s keyblades! HOLY CRAP?! WHAT?! I DON’T… EVEN… WHAT?!
  • Aqua smiles and she’s like “I almost forgot how to smile!”
  • She pulls out her Wayfinder and sees a smiling Ven and Terra and Eraqus and Mickey! And everybody from Castle of Dreams and everybody from Dwarf Woodland and everybody from Enchanted Realm, and everybody from Radiant Garden (just Merlin and Scrooge) and everybody from Disney Town, and everybody from Olympus Coliseum (MY FAVORITE ONE! It’s a big ‘ol group hug!) and 626 and the boys (and Tink) from Neverland and Yen Side and Donald and Goofy… AND KAIRI! AND RIKU! AND SORA!
  • Still smiling she pronounces: There is always a way.

You think we're done? THINK AGAIN!
