Holidays Part 1

Let's see how have my Holidays been? The day before X-mas eve I went to the dentist, and got my gums REALLY SORE. Seriously, I don't know what happened but the lady really made 'em hurt. So I distracted myself as I normally do and concentrated a crack idea for a fanfic featuring dental hygienist Axel and patient Roxas... I dunno I might get around to writing that. Then I finally got over to Hobby Lobby. I'm gonna make my mom a bunch of bracelets with different patterns of me, my dad's and my sister's birthstones. I think it'll turn out pretty neat.

I came home and got to work on making pigs in a blanket, I love doing it and eating the extra left over dough. Mmmm, I know it's bad but I can't help myself! I also got to listen to my sisters fight as they cleaned up the basement and my mom complain about them fighting. Then we had some down time and I played Tales Runner, it's really fun. I got both my sisters into it. I'm Waffuru, my little sister is Pankeki and my big sister is Crepe. So when we all get together it's kinda funny. OH! I've gotten like, three more marriage proposals...but I feel bad cause this kid I normally run with is vacationing in China and I don't want to couple up with anybody while he's gone... I know, such a softie...

Then we went to the dermatologist and I got 1024028 new prescriptions that I know won't work and I don't know why my mom ever made me go in the first place 'cause I'm not that type 'o girl. Then we scooted on over to the Walgreen's to drop off red box movies and do prescription junk. There was a guy there yelling over the phone about a promotional code while snow leaked into my converse, freezing my feet off and finally we were able to rent the new Mummy movie.

Got home, heard mom bitch some more, heard dad bitch some. I get the front end of it cause I feel bad about hiding in the basement or in my room. I watched House for about... the second time in my life. I think we've got season three stashed away in my house (my aunt use to work for CBS, writing movie junk, so she would give us free movies/box sets) so I might dig it up. It's kinda icky, but still fun. My dad went to the Bears vs. Packers game the night before. So it was six below temp in Downtown Chicago, the game went into overtime and he didn't get home until like ...two, and he got up early so he went to bed at like 8. My mom baked some more, I got to eat some raw cookie dough, we watched the Mummy movie (WHICH IS HORRIBLE, DON'T DO IT) and played some Tales Runner.

I actually have this odd cold thing, where I get all phlegmy and teary eyed, it's gross. I started laughing tonight and I sounded like an 80 year old man. It's bad. Ummmm... I dunno. It's officially X-mas eve, and my dad's side of the family comes to our house today. I won't be getting any gifts now that I'm 18 so I kinda doubt I'll be having any fun. Maybe I'll get to play some Wii... OR I CAN CRACK OUT RE:COM. That's gonna be the plan, seeing as how I haven't played it yet...even though I freakin' own it.


Oh, this is what I got my family:

Dad- Slippers
Mom- Bracelets
Big Sis - Oregon Trail
Lil Sis- Naruto Artbook

The only reason I got my dad a gift (cause my big sis bought him Mario kart and I was suppose to chip in with that) was cause I was talking to our dog asking him what he wanted right next to my dad who said "I need new slippers" which was a total d'oh moment. Oh well, I got him his ruddy slippers. BTH Totally listening to Deathly Hollows on tape... which is probably why I'm not writing any of my fanfics right now...
