Random Rant

I really don't have anything to say. First off, I'm really sorry about not being at Movie Sign. I've missed three in a row due to dinner/homework and the Super Bowl. I'm gonna try really hard to be in the next one, I feel awful.

And for just random stuff here's all the websites I go to everyday, automatically checking up (not like wikipedia and stuff):

  • Livejournal
  • Facebook
  • TheOtaku
  • Youtube (even though I'm still without sound)
  • Fanfiction.net
  • Smackjeeves
  • Deviantart
  • Cleolinda @ LJ
  • Perez Hilton
  • Onemanga.com
  • TalesRunner

Most of that has to do with random comics, news and fanfiction. I pretty much go to things in that order, though sometimes TheO comes first... like after I post Action!Axel pages or write something. BY THE BY Action!Axel will be back sometime tomorrow, probably around 7 EST. I'll be posting all week again, and hopefully the chapter will end. This is gonna be the pattern, one week of updates, and then a week off. I think it's fairly reasonable, I do have a life believe it or not...

Ummm, what are you fav websites? Yes. I'm trying to open a discussion here, so sue me. OMFG, on a kinda random note did you hear people from the Hudson River crash (is it really a crash?) are suing the airline? HOW CRAZY IS THAT?! They're suing for trauma... what a sad world we live in.
