Spring Break Post #1

I've had about 8093 pizza puffs, 2 diet cokes and woke up around eleven o'clock. Not bad at all. It's monday and all I can think about is that I want to be alone, I don't want my parents to come back from work or anything. I like being by myself, though I don't think I could live by myself and by that I mean the money part. I doubt I have enough money to even rent the saddest of apartments. SIGH.

Today I've watched the first two disks of the Twilight DVD, I watched the movie with commentaries on and there's something about Robert Pattison that's so endearing. Its like he himself can't understand what is going on and why he's there. Very confused and flustered and witty and British. And he kept making fun of himself. Like his hair and eyebrows and there was something he said like:

"And there I am with my custom-made peacoat and I just flounce off with my bouffant its no wonder the other kids hate me."

"Bouffant? Bouffant, I liked the way you said that..." (That was from Kristian Stewert and she does a hilarious impression of him near the end.)

Oh and I was pretty upset about Jackson Rathbone (aka Jasper) being Sokka in the Avatar movie because Jasper is just on an opposite side of the spectra (On the HATE side of the life line (ten points for the reference)). But he did this random thing in the documentary thing where he just TOTALLY spazzed and did the whole "rwar I'm a vampire" noise and it was just soooo spazztastic that it was like "WOAH THERE'S SOKKA!". Apparently he has to wear a wig in the next movie cause his head is shaved for Avatar. Emmet and Jasper are probably my fav Cullens I wish there had been more love for them in the movie. Though Jasper's faces are still made of win. Specially in the commentary when it made RPatz giggle like a girl.

Oh god Stephine Meyer is talking, I kinda sorta hate her. I KNOW! But its like "c'mon lady, shut up.". Oh now she's admitting to googling all her information. Eugh, just watch I'm totally gonna be like her if/when I become a best selling author. Only if I had vamps they wouldn't sparkle. And it'd be darker. And the main character wouldn't be as hate-worthy. Probably a boy... I like writing for boys. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYS~

I'm suppose to clean my room and stuff today but chances are I'm gonna just wait to get dressed at the last possible moment.

Goals for my spring break are to finish another chapter of the gun fic, and start proof reading. I have stuff down for six chapters and I think it's... the beginning of chapter four. Which is the one with the LEMON. Which... going back and rereading is just as cracktastic. I may have to go back and stop the random peals of laughter that they both go through and the hitting and insults and the stuff. I just... I don't want it to be like "AND HIS HOT WARM BEEP QUIVERED IN ANTICPATION" Right now it's more like "Oh goodness what's that? Wait what? Oh that's nice, really nice." Okay that made it seem like 1800's porn. I just want to finish this! I think over all it'll be about 15 chapters... maybe a bit more. I'm just so afraid of rushing things. The relationship, the big turning point, the deaths, the realizations, just everything. I'm also afraid of making Roxas like... too uncaring. He kinda knows whats happening, but it kinda seems like that he really doesn't care about the consequences of his selfishness. But in that last day in Twilight Town... I guess Roxas does come across as a very selfish person.

ALDJAFALDJFGH! Okay, I'm done ranting even though that's what this world is for. Ah well, I'm gonna have to get dressed soon! T_T

EDIT: OH GOOD LORD! The vampire kiss montage thing special feautre is HOT! It's got the vamping of Edward and Esme, that crazy funny vampire horror movie from Bella's dream that isn't as lulztastic without the film over it and EDWARD KILLING BELLA IN BIO CLASS RIGHT OUTTA MIDNIGHT SUN! -kermit flails- NOW THATS WHAT I CALL VAMPIRES!
