Welcome to the Anime Walk of Fame, a series of retrospectives on the many characters of the anime world. You'll see all your favorites along with a few that deserve more than their reputations give.
So sit back relax and enjoy the show.
- Created By Dranzerstorm
Mariah is Just Ship Bait
No, Mariah is not my pick for fifth Bladebreaker, keep guessing.
Mariah is a member of the White Tigers and Lee's sister, she originally challenged Ray in season 1 but fell in love with Ray losing the battle for her team, she didn't do much after and is far from even being the best female blader losing out to Julia, Mariam and Ming-Ming.
The sad thing is, she's the most qualified to be the fifth Bladebreaker as her love for Ray is canon, so her only role is being ship bait, one of the worst titles I can bestow on a female character.
She's just not made to be anything more and between her and Emily made for a painful run in season 1 for female characters in general.
Hilary is No Different to Anzu From Yu-Gi-Oh
No Hilary is not the one who should be the fifth Bladebreaker but keep guessing if you're playing along.
Hilary was introduced as the no nonsense class president known as the Wicked Witch of 8th Grade back in V-Force, but found that she was getting dragged into Tyson's beyblading world the longer she was around him, this would later lead her to becoming the coach of the Bladebreakers after suggesting the team goes back to basics when the magnacore was introduced in V-Force, this was backed up by Kai, since then she's stuck by ever since with her only attempt at blading being a humorous moment attempting to be an idol.
I bring up Anzu from Yu-Gi-Oh as their roles are very much the same, a good cheerleader and a supportive friend, just a pity that they add absolutely nothing to the series and doesn't really make a good case for female characters in the franchise.
Daichi is the Worst Case of Scrappy Doo
Before I get to Daichi, a history lesson.
For those much younger, Scrappy Doo was a Scooby Doo character introduced in the 80s to try and boost the declining series, he wasn't well received and is outright hated for being extremely irritating and often stealing the spotlight from Scooby and Shaggy.
In the context of the trope, the Scrappy character is annoying by default, wasn't really asked for to begin with and left overall no impact on the show, Daichi became this in less than ten minutes.
He originates from the movie but was given a more prominent role in season 3 as the 5th Bladebreaker and as a partner to Tyson, he's meant to represent the wild untamed part of Beyblading, even more old school than Ray, unfortunately he spends most of his time trying and failing to beat Tyson and barely anyone else really, his win/lose record is dreadful so he fills all the criteria for worst Beyblade character and my main complaint with his inclusion being he took away a slot on the Bladebreakers better suited to a female character especially when matched against Ming Ming.
Traditionally a five character team is made up of four males and a female, Metal Fight Beyblade even remembered to do this, but which female Beyblade character would've suited the role of 5th blader?
I'll leave you guessing as I'll reveal later this week who it should've been.
You get no clues.
No Amount of Data Can Help Emily
Another character type that never gets any love is the data obsessed.
Emily was first introduced in the Allstarz arc of season one, stuck up, snobby and over confident, she quickly put Max in his place with a display of humiliation but afterwards she barely blades only appearing again in season 3 to lose against Max, all other times she's a mechanic who acts as right hand woman to Max's mother Judy.
Granted the Allstarz are all sore losers to begin with but Emily suffers from it the most as she relies on everything she's gathered from other bladers data, yet couldn't do Kai after he flexes on a nameless player to prove a point that data can't win you matches.
He's kinda right, Pokemon did cover this better and I'm pretty sure Yu-Gi-Oh has at least once as well, you can have servers worth of data but if you can't do anything with it, all it'll be is numbers and Emily nor her teammates could do anything to get on the tag team losing to Max and Rick.
How is Kenny any different? He's looking for solutions to win all the time like a good strategist should.
Any wonder Trygator is the worst Beyblade.
Tyson Didn't Need a Brother
I never liked everything about G-Revolution and here's a character that stops it from being top tier.
Hiro is the older brother of Tyson, only mentioned once previously as a throw away line in season 1, Hiro makes his full debut in Season 3 starting as a masked blader named Jin of the Gale watching over Tyson like a hawk to train him in the shadows later emerging and quickly becoming his coach in the championships then switching sides to BEGA to setup a new team to push the Bladebreakers further.
The thing is he wasn't needed, the shock of having his teammates abandon him so they can take Tyson's title and being forced to work with Daichi is enough of a learning experience for anyone especially when you consider how much of a jerk Tyson was about the whole thing to Ray, Max and even Daichi, this is nothing new for Tyson, V-Force started the same way and Tyson needed a rival in Ozuma to snap him out of it, in fact why didn't Ozuma show up in G-Revolution to knock some sense into him? Be a much better experience than big brother Hiro, this is why leads rarely have siblings as it leads to some dumb decisions in the narrative, this is quite prevalent with how the other Bladebreakers react to him, especially Kai who fires a beyblade near him in disgust for not letting Tyson fight.