Proof that an explosives expert has more than just crazy.
Minnie May's background is quite sketchy as she spent her teens as a prostitute in China Town but learned enough street smarts and lessons from her mentor to make her a valuable asset to Rally Vincent.
Her experiences made her good at acting able to pull a wide array of emotions on command, her loli type body allows her to pass for 13 years old (She's 17-18 years old) allowing her to easily slip out of many situations as many criminals think they've involved a child in their crime, she can also flawlessly mimic different voices being able to fool police easily, combined with her penchant for making explosives allowed her to out flank former KGB Assassin Natasha Radinov not once but twice with well done booby traps, the first of which after being kidnapped, the second while injured and helping Rally who was also injured.
Between Rally the Bounty Hunter, Minnie the Explosives Expert, Becky the informant and Bean Bandit the Wheelman, you've got yourselves a perfect team.
Minnie May is More Than Explosives