Daichi is the Worst Case of Scrappy Doo

Before I get to Daichi, a history lesson.

For those much younger, Scrappy Doo was a Scooby Doo character introduced in the 80s to try and boost the declining series, he wasn't well received and is outright hated for being extremely irritating and often stealing the spotlight from Scooby and Shaggy.
In the context of the trope, the Scrappy character is annoying by default, wasn't really asked for to begin with and left overall no impact on the show, Daichi became this in less than ten minutes.
He originates from the movie but was given a more prominent role in season 3 as the 5th Bladebreaker and as a partner to Tyson, he's meant to represent the wild untamed part of Beyblading, even more old school than Ray, unfortunately he spends most of his time trying and failing to beat Tyson and barely anyone else really, his win/lose record is dreadful so he fills all the criteria for worst Beyblade character and my main complaint with his inclusion being he took away a slot on the Bladebreakers better suited to a female character especially when matched against Ming Ming.
Traditionally a five character team is made up of four males and a female, Metal Fight Beyblade even remembered to do this, but which female Beyblade character would've suited the role of 5th blader?
I'll leave you guessing as I'll reveal later this week who it should've been.
You get no clues.
