Morgan Isn't The Best Introduction To The Marines

Now for the second lowest impact villain in the show.

Axe Hand Morgan was the first Marine villain encountered by Luffy, we see that Morgan is completely full of his own self importance when he claims to have caught Captain Kuro of the Black Cat pirates not knowing he has been hypnotized.
This translates in him essentially ruling with a literal iron fist, exemplified by how spoiled his son Helmeppo acts in the beginning, after his defeat, he gets a Court Marshall from Garp but taking advantage of Garp's lax approach, he escapes by threatening to kill his own son and has been on the run since.
With Marines meant to be the antagonists rather than out right villains, starting with Axe Hand Morgan isn't exactly the best choice for this, Smoker on the other hand is a much better choice to fulfil this role and does so well, despite his even scarier appearance he's shown to genuinely care about the public making him a perfect representation of the marines rather than Morgan.
