Yeah you can tell I'm talking about a low grade shonen series.
Maki Oze is a former soldier and 2nd Generation who joined Fire Company 8, known as a witch for her aesthetic of a witches hat and using her flames to create sentient fire sprites much like a spell caster, not limited to fire, Maki is buff and is likely the strongest in Company 8 bar Captain Obi but her role in Fire Force is limited to being a butt monkey, maybe Maki gets treated better later on but Fire Force's opening 12 episodes did little for her character development.
A muscle bound fire witch is fantastic character design, it reminds me of Louie the Rune Soldier, a muscle bound wizard in more or less the same mold, Maki is wasted on a below average shonen series like Fire Force. Don't get me started on Shinra, he's a lost cause.
Maki is Too Good for Fire Force