It says alot about Yuri On Ice, when the biggest narcissist is redeemable.
Jean-Jacques Leroy is the next best male figure skater to champion Victor, he's massively over confident, takes joy in teasing other athletes and is a massive narcissist, he even skates to his own theme song but like every other athlete he succumbs to pressure which leads him to fail his short program skate, and suddenly you understand why he goes to such lengths to act the way he does, all this time, he's been using a mask to boost his confidence this whole time, Yuri even compares JJ's breakdown to his own failure the previous season with the only difference being the difficulty JJ attempts meaning that any small mistake is all the more costly.
It brings a tear to my eye seeing JJ's fiancee stand up and cheer his name in spite of his performance breaking down.
Yuri On Ice truly has the best male cast.
JJ Style is Being Redeemable