Mornings are not the best time to fight s I decided to sit in my room for breakfast and I slept so much it wasn't hard to skip it. After changing into a black dress with fish net leggings and arm warmers. Time to face te world I guess. I walked out of my room and into the cafetria confidently enough but then sorta spaced out. I took my lunch randomly and without noticing it and finally took a seat at an usaully empty table. After sitting for a while Lexi walked into the room and spotted me.
"Hey Draxi!" she said.
"Hi Lexi... I don't have the time for you to be bitchy right now so could you," and after spotting Matt, " and your loser boyfriend leave me alone!"
I didn't look up for her reaction but simply looked at the table and waited for the stomping of her feet as she wallked away.
UGH!!! Well so what...its her fault!
"Hey Draxi...whatcha doing?"
I look up and see Mello smiling in front of me on the opposite side of the table.
"Hey Mello, will you be my witness for my will?" I say softly.
Mello begins chuckling before taking the seat opposite me. "Draxi, please don't die...please?"
I sigh, "I'm sorry Mello...I'll stop. How are you?"
"Great...but you don't seem to be."
"What makes you say that?" I say innocently.
"Well, you're outfit is depressive compared to your usual, you've been playing with your food for minutes, and I'm not entirely certain that you picked food you find edible to begin with. What are you thinking about?"
"Near and I are in a fight. Lexi and I are in a fight. Matt is Lexi's soooooo that's out. B.B. and L are in a meeting until tonight and so the only person left is you..."
"And Linda, right?" he says looking past me.
"Linda?" I say as I turn, "Linda!!! Hey!"
"Hey Draxi..." she says nervously. "Can I sit with you?" and although its directed at me she's looking past me at Mello.
"Yeah!" I say excited
"Please?" Mello says after she hestitates.
Linda giggles before sitting besides me, "What are you going to do with that food of yours?"
"Why are you guys commenting so much on my fo-" I stared at my tray, " Ah, I see...Well, I can eat the chocoate pudding but I'm not so sure about the octupus noodles, jellyfish soup. Awwwwwwww!!!"
As I began to wallow in my misery the two laughed.
"Here take my brownie,"
"And my strawberries!"
"Thanks you guys!"
After eating a delightful lunch I feigned leaving and decded to wait a while to see if they truly were my friends and that I wasn't going to get hurt within the next couple hours or days.
"Do you think Draxi is okay?" Linda asked Mello.
"No," Mello said with no hesitation, "but she's better than when se started lunch."
" Yeah, I'm so happy!"
"Linda," Mello said slowly, "why do you care?"
"Well," Linda said, "It's becauseshe's the only one who let's me be myself. She doesn't make me be snotty like Samantha or a goody-twoshoes like the teachers. You've only met the bad me...the me I hate so I want to keep her happy, whether the rest of her friends like you or Lexi like me doesn't matter. She just has to stay happy."
Mello is silent for a while before saying, "Hi Linda! My name is Mello it's a pleasure to meet you."
Linda laughed before saying, "Hi, my name is Linda. Please take care of Draxi."
"I will if you do too." Both Linda and Mello laughed.
So I do have friends!
There you go DN-chan! You still have to write the fight between Draxi and Lexi...It's up to you to start the festival!