-Welcome To Wammy's House-
If you are are a new addition to the house allow me to congratulate you on showing both the initiative and intelligence needed to be apart of this wonderful program.
If you are just a visitor, then welcome. I am proud to present to you the wide spectrum of talents and genius displayed within these walls.

Please make yourself at home, and let me know if you require any assistance and, for the last time, allow me to welcome you to Wammy's house.

~Quillish Wammy



Whos He?

*.*~L~*.* Today was the same as any other day. I got up, brushed my teeth and ate breakfast with the rest of the children at Wammy's. I then had some semi-independen...

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Death Note RP

Hello All!!

This is the official first post in the Wammy's house RP blog! This post will act as the guidelines for this world.
First of all, the "admins" of this world are mailmattjeevas and me, kandafan. If you have any questions then talk to us. I will act as the head admin because I've been on this site longer and I am the owner of the world. If you have any questions or want to be added as an RPer come to one of us. all questions and requests will most likely be given to me until Matt gets a handle on how this site works.
For now, here are the basic guidelines for all RPers:
1.Everyone BE NICE
2.Use proper grammar, spelling, etc. as much as possible
3.No character bashing unless pre-approved by one of us admins.
4.Try not to involve any romance or pairings in this RP. This is going to be set in the childhood of the DeathNote characters, so it would be a little weird.
5.No OC's, only actual cannon characters please and thank you.
6.Try not to be too OOC. I understand if a child version of your character might act different than the cannon DeathNote character, but don't make them so drastically different that they are unrecognisable as said character.
7.If you want to play a character that wasn't exactly at Wammy's house as a kid (Like Light for instance) than talk to one of the admin, we'll decide together whether or not to allow it when the situation arises.
8.If the character you want to play would probably be like a baby or something compared to the age ranges of the rest, you can adjust their age to a comfortable RP point. Just not too much.
9. Feel free to start little plot points or stuff like that when ever you want. Big plots will most likely be guided in by us Admins, along with "special events" if there are any.
10.Try not to but into a small plot if your character doesn't really belong. feel for when your character should come in, and if it isn't the right time for them but you still wanna right, start something new!
11.HAVE FUN!!!
These are just some basic guideline/rule things. If you have any questions or suggestions then, again, feel free to talk to one of us admins!
You can call me as Kandafan or L or what ever

