So Annoying..


I continued to walk through town not really aware of where I was walking to or what the people around me were blabering about. Humans were still a mystery to me. "Hey, miss?" I mean, half the time they don't even know what they're talking about... "Miss...." They're all so stupid.. I know this is a silent war, but they really never notice anything?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped before tilting my head back. "Yes, sir?" I tried to say in a innocent voice. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" He had a uniform on. A police officer I believe.. I don't know... It was hard to tell sometimes because so many people had uniforms on..

Forcing a smile I turned towards him as he let go of my shoulder. "I have an appointment today sir, so I am out of school at the moment." He nodded but spoke again, "Are your parents with you? Did you get separated?" Geez.. Some times I wish they would just mind their own business. "No sir. My house is only a few blocks so my mother said it would be okay if I walked by myself today."

He scratched his scruffy beard thinking. "But a child like you shouldn't be walking alone." He called back to his partner who had been hanging back. "You okay if I quick run her to her appointment?" he nodded before the officer turned back to me.

Ugh, so nosy... "No, really sir. I'm sure I'm old enough to walk myself over there." I was getting more annoyed by the second. For once I wished I didn't have to look 12. Everyone in the human world only could see that 'poor helpless girl wandering around with out her parents' or 'that child who was lost'.

I turned away annoyed as he started to talk again and looked at the ground. I knew my eyes had shifted to a neon green so I kept my eyes down and changed the air pressure around me so I couldn't hear any sound.

It had been a little windy today, but even so. To a human it would look like a weird fluke. I sighed and created a gust of wind as I looked back to see the officer covering his face as dust flew up. I took that moment to quick make a run for it.

It didn't take long for me to find a shop as I quick ducked into it. I sighed and took a table in the back still annoyed by that moron. That is, until someone decided that I was not through with my troubles and started to try to talk to me.


Ahhh... Yup. My first post :3 I'll post as Zepher later. Whoever can run into Marilyn~ She'll probably try to act all nice and innocent >.>'

