I remember once, a sweet faint memory of hollowing out the pits of strawberries. Ah~! The way it was so easily to empty them and put something new in them... My mom was planning to use the core-less strawberries for some sweets she made with cream and glaze. Ah~! And how nice they would taste! Something so plain and sweet was turned into a tastebud masterpiece! If only now I could go back to that happy feeling!
But now all I could feel was confusion, lost, lost confusion! I was on some homely street, with a map in one hand and my reading glasses in the other, I looked up and down the map to find where I was. I was trying to find the high school, but must of somehow ended up taking a wrong turn... I am to blame, really. I am so passionate about reading yet I don't the time to observe the map when needed.
"Castle ave.? That's 15 blocks away!" I mummbled under my breath. "With this chain I've got here, I'll miss so much of class!" I sighed deeply.
I slung by heavy backpack, weighted by books, over my shoulder and trecked over slowly to the felt way of the highschool.
Step. By. Step. I had to go one way then the other, making unfamilliar turns here due to what the map said.
Eventually I sat down and got a good catch of where I was placed.
"Ah! I'm farther away than ever!" I rubbed my eyebrows and looked up at the houses. Someone who has lived in those 'old' houses all their lives could easily slide through the streets like their was current!
Birds picked up and flew, and I decided to do so, too.
"Um... Hello, I was wondering..." I asked passer-bys. Most just seemed to ingore me and continue on.
"Yes, I was hoping you'd tell me-" I asked swiftly.
"Sorry kid, don't have time." One'd say.
This was insanity. I'd thought I would never get to school, or even back to the house! But then someone spoke.
"Hey, that map's outdated." They sounded young, more or less of my had years.
If someone want's to help, that'd be fantastic. I hope this fits in well with the requirements! I'm happy I got around to doing this! I'm happy my character will be alive now!