I felt ignorant! How foolish it was of my to come to a new place with an out of date map! I sighed and decited I'd try to get back to my apartment...
Fatefully, I did get back, and I remembered something, I had to work here in a bit. I shot up from my seat and began to shower.
Sadly, I hadn't gotten any shampoos or conditioners, so I had to use bar soap. But luckly, it was lavender sccented, and made me smell nice, which was all I needed.
Before I had moved here, I had worked in a cafe for four years, so when I had put out and application to a resturant, they had kindly accepted. I got dressed in my work clothes. Which consisted of pants. Pants. I hate pants, but I like having somewhere to sleep. So I'd have to suffer with the pants.
I walked down to the resturant and got to work. My boss came over.
"Arre, we have a new employee. Her name is Lieselotti. If you can show her what to do, that would be great." He lead me over to her.
I looked at her hair. How neat! I wish I could do something like that, but I never would... Lieselotti was watching the people go about. I stood in front of her.
"Hello there. My name is Aurélie, but if you want to, you can call me Arre." I extended my hand out for a shake, but she just looked at me. She hesitated, then gave me a light handshake.
"Hey. What do I need to do?" She stood up and towered over me. I gulped.
"Well, you can go around and refill peoples drinks. You can take the left side, and I shall take the right." I gave her a pitcher of ice water and got one for myself.
The rest of the work day went along nicely, with only a few hiccups, but nothing unexpected. It was late when the restraunt closed. I handed a wet rag to Lieselotti and said that she could wipe off some off the tables and I'll finish off the rest.
She handed me the dirty rag and collected her things. I smiled at her.
"You're not to bad, Liese. You worked O.K. today. See you tomorrow!" I smiled and wavd good-bye.
I cleaned the tables, headed home, washed up, and headed to bed.
As I began to fall asleep, I thought about my day.
Man, if this is justmy first real day, maybe the books can wait...
Hope that's good~! Now that we're off, I bet I'll be able to post more~! Yeah~! Hope you've liked.