Art by King-Sama

You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not


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(Manga Bullet)

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Sweet Dreams

Mood: Happy Listening To: The radio Hey guys! whats up? I'm good, I am currently trying to make a entry for a contest over on Deviantart. Its turning out ok...not how I want, but I will fix it So right now, I am trying to figur...

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21 Guns

Mood: content
Listening to: 21 Guns by Green Day
Currentlly working on: Birthday present/request for a friend, Alice manga cover

Hi guys! *waves*

I just realized I havent posted in FOREVER
hehe, just havent really had anything to post about...well now I do

my fourth of july was good, we shot off some fireworks, got to watch some
no big woop..haha

Well, guess what? I am grwoing my hair out long again...yeah
I love it short, but I really miss my long hair
I used to have it long, I think the longest was down to my mid back
it was so awesome, I loved it....I think before I started to cut it was when I was 10-12
and I started to dye it red two years ago, and then because I dyed it so much, it just damaged my hair
so I kept cutting it to get rid of damaged hair
and now its super now that all the damage is gone...I want it back to really long
So I am growing it out now, I am going for mid-back again
it will take a couple of years, but it will work

So on another note
as it says in what I am working on up top
yes I am re-doing my Alice manga Cover...AGAIN!!!!
I am super happy with how its turning out this time, so dont worry
it will get done!
I am doing it so shoujo style this time haha, she is so pretty
and she is kinda lolita-ish

oh, while Im thinking of Lolita's
please go chekc out my Lolita contest in my World of Contests!
I cant wait for more entries to come it
so its a invitation to new people, and a reminder to all who has already entered

well.....guess thats it
talk to you later!

^^^^^^this song ROCKS^^^^^^

Hello Panda

Mood: Contet
Listening to: 45 by Shinedown

YES!!! I finally posted again, hahaha
I havent posted in a while, probably cause I dont usually have anything to post about...

guess what? last week, we went up to a different mall, and this mall has the most awesome store ever, it surpasses Hot Topic when we go there....its the...
and guess what I bought? a four way writer(it has a mechanical pencil, and three different colored pens in one writing impliment) a stick eraser with the cutest hello kitty and strawberries on it, and.......
a Hello Kitty Panda!!

next to her is my homemade plushie Skittles heehee
that was so awesome sauce!!!!

well, my foot is feeling better, its not totally healed, but it doesnt hurt all the time now. so thats good =^^=

I have also been gettting on Tegaki E more, I am currently inking and coloring a pic I drew on there, I took it into photoshop and enlarged it, and am now inking and coloring it...I love it!
it actually has a real background on it too! not a plain color or diamonds haha
well....guess I shall leave you to listen to this song and swoon over my adorbale hello kitty plushie haha

I can't think right now...

like the title says, dont worry if I repeat myself, I am so tired and out of it...gah

This weekend has been looooong, first we had bowling Thursday
that went really good right? totally
awesome scores, no problemo.
then after bowling on the way home, I was doing my rotation exercises for my ankle, and I injured it again! my mom could hear my ankle pop in the front seat! so we got home and I put some ice on it
and wore my brace all day friday...and then...
yesterday we went to the mall to find a white shirt for me, my mom, and little bro...cause we need white shirts for a family picture that we are getting done
extremly hard! I tell you. how hard is it to find a white shirt that fits right, and isnt see through!? HARD!!!
so I wore my walking cast that day. and we walked around A LOT!!! then we went home for a while...never found the shirt btw...but I did find a shirt that says "If you think I'm crazy you should see my mother." LOL, and we bought that one...
so anyways, we went home for a while and I put my brace back on, then we went out to dinner at a pretty nice resturaunt...called Fox and the was pretty good, I ordered crab cakes..yum!
Anyways, so all through dinner my ankle is killing me, I am wearing my cast and all, but its hurting like tons!
then we go to Best Buy and get a few things, then go to Cold Stone Creamery for ice-cream...I got Watermelon Sorbet...YUMMY!
and we decide to go into the After Hours Clinic at the hospital because my ankle is that bad
we get in there, and turns out I pulled another I have to wear my walking cast for another 4 weeks! BUMMER!
at least it isnt a fractured thats sort of good hahahah
I am soooo tired, healing is hard

well, that was my weekend
today I just wore my brace all day and sat around the house
nothing much lol
tomorrow we are going to a friends house, so that should be fun
I guess I shall talk to you all later
just tell me if I repeated anything...cause I am that zoned out

Real World

Mood: bored
Eating: nothing
Drinking: I wish a glass of orange juice

Just felt like updating, how is everyone? my day has been....weird...yes
weird is a good way to put it...

To start off the day, I did not want to get out of bed
sounds pretty normal.
Then we drove to JCPenney's to get my hair RE-CUT at the salon there.
To explain, I liked my old cut, but it just didnt fit me. So I decided last Saturday to go and get it cut shroter than it was. and the girl who cut it(we went to greatlips last saturday) cut it WRONG! I was really upset, but I didnt want to go back in and have her mess it up again
so we went to JCPenney to get my hair cut at the salon there, and they cut it great! (pic below)

Ok, so then after I got my haircut, we went to Burger King for lunch
that was tasty! yum
so then we went and walked around Michal's (a art supply store)
then we went to Bowling, and that was good
except for....dun nu nu....!

me and a friend are planning on doing a girls day out at the mall, and so I asked two of the girls at bowling, one of them cant do it cause she is doing school through the summer.
and the other one, wants to go! but....her parents wont let her because I am not chirstian, and they are~~!!!! its so STUPID!!!!
I want to know why the heck it matters!!!
grrr...well at least I am going to call one more girl and see if she wants to go
if not then oh well, it will just be me and the friend who planned this

then on the way home in the car! sitting down! I twist my already hurt ankle!!!!
*sigh* sorry for the ranting