Art by King-Sama

You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not


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(Manga Bullet)

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Lucy Loves Converse

Yes we both do
Converse shoes are awesome sauceness to the max lol

well anywho
I was thinking last night about my Alice comic
you know how I was going to do it more true to the story?
well I changed my mind
its now going to be Alice in Wonderland in the modern world
I will leave it at that, because I dont want to give to much away
*is sneaky*

So how is everyone
I'm gonna try and clean my room most of the way/all the way today
cause I'm tired of the mess
its not to messy, but its not clean either
well I'll talk to ya laterz

(this is not me btw, its just a pic I found)

Lucy Dislikes Peanuts

Yeah, thats the other me again her name is Lucy well I stole this from xxem0crayonxx 50 Facts about ME! 1. I cant draw as well without music playing 2. I am allergic to eggs 3. I love to read 4. I own ...

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I'm 100% Emo

[x] I like skinny jeans
[x] Music is life. (90% of life, atleast. ;P)
[] you have written /wrote poetry/song lyrics before.
[] My hair covers part of my face
[x] wear band shirts (sometimes)
[] I know who Jeffree Star is.
[x] I wear/wore converse
[] I wear/wore vans.
[] I wear/wore eyeliner
[] I have/had/want my lip pierced
[] I listen to The Used
[x] I am lost without a CD player/iPod/mp3
[x] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.
[x] I have no issues with bi/gay people.
[] I hate the president.
[] I have/had a Mohawk.
[x] I've worn black nail polish
[x] I like slipknot
[] I hate where I live.
[] Black is a good color
[x] Right now I am listening to music
[] I know what hxc means.(i used to know what it meant, but i forgot. xD;)

multiply by 10 to get your final answer and post your title as
I'm __% Emo
and' Im not really 100% emo
I am to happy for that
I just like the style of clothing

The World is Coming to a End isn't it Lucy? No? What do You Mean No?

XD conversation with my other self, her name is Lucy
I'll draw her sometime you would really like her

anywho, on to buisness
I just made this yesterday, what do you think?

his name is Skittles
I absolutly adore my Skittles
I will most likely make a elephant, a kitty, a octopus, and froggy like it
what do you think?

So right now I'm working ona ton of requests and my entry for moonlit dream's contest
its awesome
I also have to finish the prizes from a couple of contests I had DX bad Zero *gets slapped on hand by Lucy* ok, good. I'm better
sorry, she gets away with it most times XDDDD
you probably think Im crazy by now
so whats up with everyone?

LessTalkMoreRokk avatar

This is for LessTalkMoreRokk
the joint account that Blood Moon Wolf and Troublesum Shika made