Art by King-Sama

You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not


External Image


(Manga Bullet)

External Image

The Flowers Here Match Your Blush My Dear

Mood: Content

Hey my pplz xD
whats up?
I'm good, just wanted to share this awesome sauce
Princess Bride Picture I found
lately my fav book and movie has been The Princess Bride

100 Themes

I am going to try and do the 100 Themes challenge you may change any of them to whatever you wish and that doesnt mean change them all to LOVE XD The themes will be: 1. Nurse 2. Love 3. Light...

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Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, And Sugar Tastes Like You

Mood: Pleased
Watching: the screen
Listening: Backstabber by The Dresden Dolls
Eating: nothing
Drinking: I wish for some orange soda
Reading: the screen XD

Ok yeah, totally random title XD

So you know how part of my new years resolution was to lose like 30-40lbs?
well I have finally started the road to that goal
I want to start eating healthier
so I am investing in 3-4 bento boxes and reusable chopsticks so I can bring my lunches with me when we go to bowling and whatnot
I am also going to start cooking healthier and eating more healthy foods
I thought that japanese foods would be a good idea because they are bases on healthy eating/cooking
I have found tons of recipes for trying out such as, Yakitori, Onigiri, Dango, Cucumber Sushi, Fried Tofu, ect...
What do you guys think? any japanese recipes you think I should try?

So yeah, I was also sick last week *blehck* >.<
but I am better now and can't wait to go bowling tomorrow WOOT

I was also wondering if any of you have any ideas as what you think the Wish Upon A Star cover should look like, cause I'm stumped *sits on stump* XD
I have a idea of what the characters are going to look like, I just need a awesome sauce cover idea
so HALP!!!

anywho, what up with you guys?


New Glasses and a Little Something Else

well yeah, I did get my new glasses
they are awesome suace
nothing much
I have somethign to say

Plz go give my good friend AvariceTears some hugs on her artwork
you dont have to if you dont want to
but she would greatly appreciate them though

I now leave you with a image I didnt draw xD