Art by King-Sama
You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not
(Manga Bullet)
Art by King-Sama
You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not
(Manga Bullet)
Alice Cullen
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Alright, so I have decided to post all of the cullen family in their own photos, and a pic of Jaocb
Hey guys, well today we celebrated the Winter Solstice, and on this day every year we open our presents from eachother
and I asked for a camer
and guess what?
I GOT IT!!! *dances*
well Merry Chrstmas
I hope all of yours is just as good as mine