Art by King-Sama
You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not
(Manga Bullet)
Art by King-Sama
You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not
(Manga Bullet)
Well Happy Thanksgiving to everyone
I have alot of things to be thankful for, such as good food, a roof above my head, good friends and family, and a ton of other things
anyways. I will be working on all requests and art trades today
Art Trade with Ryochi30
Art Trade with MeiTsukiHana
Red Kie's request
a Sand Chronicles pic
more pages of my Alice manga
The Character profiles for the Chesire Cat and Alice
character designs of all the other characters for my Alice manga
I will take mroe requests. I changed it. I have tons of spaces. so if you want something drawn either comment here or PM me plz
I know this probably isnt a good idea. but oh well
I am also waiting on Mad Hatter Belia's entry for my contest so I can judge it
so plz get that up
1: put your music player on shuffle
2: for each question, press the "next" button to get your answer
3: you MUST write that song name down, no matter HOW silly it sounds
If someone says "Is this O.K?" you say?
Snow (Hey Oh)
What would you describe your personality?
Within You
What do you like in a guy/girl?
I'm On My Way
How do you feel today?
Oh Yeah
What is your life's purpose?
No One Needs To Know
What is your motto?
Empty Walls
What do your friends think of you?
I Won't Leave You Lonely
What do you think of your parents?
From This Moment On
What makes you cry?
Through Glass
How is your love life?
What do you think about very often?
Man! I Feel Like A Woman
What is 2+2?
Don't Be Stupid
What do you think of your bestie?
What do you think of the person you like?
What is your life story?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you think when you see the person you like?
What Hurts The Most
What do your parents think of you?
You're Still The One
What will you dance to at your wedding?
You Win My Love
What will they play at your funeral?
The Latest Plague
What is your hobby/intrest?
What is your biggest fear?
Somewhere I Belong
What is your biggest secret?
Until The End
What do you think of your friends?
What song will be the subject when you repost?
What do you say when someone insults you?
That Don't Impress Me Much
What do you think of school?
The Bleeding
What did you do today?
All The Small Things
What will you say when someone asks you to marry them?
You Belong To Me
What is your best come back?
Cheated Hearts
What do you say when you answer the phone?
Dead On Arrival
What will your child's first sentence be?
I Loved Her First
Just something someone had somewhere, and I jsut thought I would do it
feel free to do the same on your site
Ok, so I just so totally went and saw Twilight *dies*
It is so Teen Chick Flick. BUT OMG!!!!!!!!!!
VAMPIRES ARE SO HOT!!!!!!!!! especially Edward and Jasper, and Alice, and Emmentt, and Rosalie, and Carlisle, and Esme, and James, and Victoria, and..and..well I think you get it. SUCH A GOOD MOVIE.
I give it a 4 star rating. *dies agian*
I wont leave any spoilers, no sorry. if you really want to talk about the movie. PM me. alright?
Ok, so I am going to see the movie on Monday after my bowling.
SWEETNESS!!!! And I want to get my Team Edward shirt before I go see the movie
but yesterday when we went to Hot Topic, They were sold out. So maybe over the weekend or monday, I will be able to get my shirt
So anyways here is my shcedule for Monday
11:00am to 2:00pm ~ Homeschool Co-Op
After that, go drop my little bro off at home
3:30pm to 5:30pm ~ Bowling Competition
After that Dinner
6:45pm To ??? ~ Go see Twilight *squee*
Well hopefully somewhere in there or the weekend get my Team Edward shirt
I am so Team Edward. I love Edward and Jasper. My two faves. I am the vampire girl, just like Bella LOLI do think they could have picked a better actress for Alice though
Ok, so I jsut read on a couple of others worlds and checked on TwoFacedLullaby's world myself that....well. I dont want to believe it, how could this have happened?
Well, TwoFacedLullaby is in the hospital with major head injuries and bleeding, because she pushed a little kid out of the way of a car and instead got hit herself
I really hope everything is ok with her. and she will get better soon
And when she gets back, I really hope i cna get to know her better. *cries*
I feel that she did a good deed and that she feels good about it
and when she gets back, we will all be very amazed and proud that she did that good thing
I mean, no one wants to get hit by a car. and it was probably better that a little kid didnt die, becasue she has a very high chance fo getting out of this alive, which she will
I am leaving this post at a end with a picture
(I didnt draw it, sorry)