
I feel so tired and BLEH...
I am sick...bleh....yesterday was when it started
I had a sore throat, was coughing, tired, achy, and bleh
we went into the doctor cause my bro is sick too, we are both on TamiFlu cause one of the boys on my bros bowling team was tested positive for Swine Flu on Friday, and we bowl on thursdays with them, and your contageous for 24hrs before you get sick...BLEH!!!
but I feel a bit better from yesterday, so thats good....

In other news, I am currently working on AvariceTears last prize/request and then I shall start on Moonlit Dreams requests
I will also be starting on some pages for my Alice manga soon
and then I will be designing the characters for Wish Upon A Star

OH! and on August 31 my mom and I are gonna go see Slipknot!!! I cant wait! it will be my very first concert ever
well....not much else is going on
I hope you all have a good week
