Hello Kitty Pillows Are Good For Cuddling

Mood: meh...

well yeah, my brother and I, btw his nickname on here is Kevin16 go check him out...

Anyways, my Bro and I are both not sick anymore...but...we found out two nights ago that we have freakin head lice!!!!!
my bro just shaved his head to get rid of them, and then last night My bro, my mom and I all did a lice shampoo treatment
and that seems to be helping
but we had to put our comforters, our pillows, our stuffed animals ALL of that into plastic bags tightly sealed for 2weeks!!!!
and I need a stuffed animal to sleep with!!! so I was freakin out
but I am allowed to sleep with a heart shaped pillow I made a couple of years ago
its a heart shaped pillow with yellow hello kitty fleece! I love it
and since it can be washed the way it needs to be to get rid of anything that might be on it, I am ok to sleep with it
well other than that...I suppose everything is good

I finsihed that Parrot Fairy I was talking about, go check it out!
its awesome, I love it! and so does AvariceTears, the one who requested it!
Well...anyways, I just needed to get all that off my chest
I have been working on that new pirate story I started back in May
not sure if I will post any of it...I might want to publish it....we'll see lol
hope you all have a good rest of the week
