Surf Blue and Runts

Mood: Content
Listening to: Sulfur by Slipknot
Eating: Runts candy
Watching: The screen

OMG! today was a good day!
first I woke up and had a bagel with strawberry cream cheese on it(YUM)
Then we left for bowling and on the way stopped at Gamestop and I bought a used Gameboy Advanced SP! its even in the color my old one was before I sold it! I love it, its the surf blue color, I am gonna play my old pokemon games on it
Then we went bowling, and that was awesome. not my best day of bowling, but I did finally buy my wrist support to wear when I bowl.
and then we went of to one of my awesomest real life friends house watched some youtube vids and he gave me a baggie full of my most favorite candy in the world cause he bought a 2 pound bag of them...they are....
I love them! I save every quarter I find so when I go to the bowling alley I can get a couple handfulls of them heehee.
I love him, he is one of the coolest friends ever

And now I am working on a new character I made up named Lea (that is all I shall reveal until I post her)
I am thinking about making another manga...after the first two of course...with her and one of my other odd OC's that you never see haha
but Im not sure yet

Well...I am gonna go finish working on coloring Lea and then maybe play either my pokemon game or a online game called Dofus (if anyone plays let me know, I can tell you what my username is and we can play together)

Oh! I almost forgot!
On August 31st my mom and I are gonna go see Slipknot!!!! I cant wait!!!!
it will be my (and her) first EVER concert!!!!
We are both gonna buy Slipknot T-shirts when we are at the show
its gonna be awesome!

^thats me peeking over my new GBAdvanced^
