New Design and a Up-Date

Yes! I changed my design, I love it now!
its so awesome
my new favorite color is Purple...gah, Im tired haha

So right now my mom and I are finally putting up all my picture frames and stuff a year after painting my room
yay!!!! goal!!!!! lol

well not much is happening
tomorrow while my dad is sleeping I am gonna make that Plushie for the amazing AvariceTears...
I shall post pictures after she has recieved it...cause I want it to be a SURPRISE!!! heehee

So how are you guys?
I am pretty good, I have to finish some requests and contests before I can accept more, so dont worry
they wont be closed forever...gah that was random

well....I guess I shall let you all get back to your semi-normal lives heehee
I love saying that
