Hot N' Cold

Hey guys! just a little update

Well my family and I went and saw G.I Joe! I suggest you go see it
my favorite part was the car chase where the hummer blew up
and my fav characters are Duke and the Doctor/Rex
gah! I loved it all around, the best action movie I have seen this year

We went bowling yesterday and I finally got my awesome sauce new ball
its a pink and black swirled one thats scented like bubblegum!
I love it
it bowls so much better than my old one
I cant wait for the Highschool league in the fall! its my favorite league

My mom bought us The Manga Cookbook too
I cant wait to use it
its got how to make sushi and onigiri and all that fun japanese stuff lol
Im getting hungry lol, it is dinner time

Right now I am making the amazing plushie for AvariceTears
for our art trade
she is drawing my OC Sebastian
maybe I'll include a surprise in her package mwahahaha

Well...thats about it
on Saturday I am gonna go out to dinner with my family
oh! and today I bought a new CD
its called "Nightmare Revisted" its the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack but all the songs are sung by different artists
like Marylin Manson, Rise Against, Flyleaf, Ect...
its so cool!!!

I am currently loving this song
