Gummy Bunnies and More...

Haha, I have not posted for so long
or has it only been a few days...hmmmm....

Well anyways...
I recently made the new account on DevinatArt for my new "buisness" name
its Gummy Bunny Studios you can find me/it at

go check me out!

in other news, I am currently coloring in that Fake Screenshot I was working on and posted WIP of a week or so ago
I am also trying to design Destiny Grey, Sebastian Grey's sister
his twin
they are faternal elfin twins
the can hear eachothers thoughts...when they want to...and they have the same powers
they are probably my Favorite OC's ever

well.....not much else is happening
my brithday is on the 15th! and my Otaku Bday is on the 30th!!!
I am so happy haha, I cant wait!
Im gonna get a Ice-Cream cake and my fam and I are gonna go bowling and up to the Aquarium
its gonna be fun!!!1

OH! and I got Eragon(the movie) from the library
here is what I have to say about it
It wasnt bad, could have been loads better
The needed a better actor for Galbatorix
Eragon is dark haired not blonde
I love Murtagh!!!!
He has always been my favorite character, and the made him hot in the movie
oh...and as a badish thing, the voice of Saphira was kinda cheesy...
