Goodluck Has Finally Come Back To Me

yes it has, we are all(my family and I) all have mostly goodluck again WOOT
ok, so to start of my day
we went to a art class over at the Hobby Lobby and that was really cool, I like the teacher. Next week we are doing clay art with Sculpey clay, so I can back it and it will last for (almost)forever
I'll take a pic of what I make with it next week

then earlier this afternoon we went and looked at a Kitten for my brother
since we had to put his cat to sleep because of his kidney disease
R.I.P Thomas
and we are gonna get him! he is a orange tabby kitten
I will take pictures when we get him
which will be about mid may time, cause we are going on vacation in a week and a half and dont want to leave a new kitten home with all our other cats, that would be bad

then just now I ordered my very first plushie how to book YAY
its the Cute Dolls by Aranzi Aronzo
I cant wait for it to get here
wait for more little plushies to start popping up XD

so how was your day?
I feel awesome lol
