Tired...No...Exhausted....and....Overwhelmed with EVERYTHING

GAHHHHH *pulls out hair* no not really
but seriously, I am just so overwhelemed with all I have to finish before we leave for our vacation on the 9th
I have to finish my last NYAF entry tonight
I have to finish my DA and Wacom contest entry before we leave
I am trying to finish a crocheted bag for my best friend for her birthday
I have tons of requests and stuff I wanna finish
and on top of it all...yes there is more
I have like 3 bowling tournaments before we leave
and I am waiting in such annticipation for all the contest results that....GAH!!!!
Its just waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy to much
I cant wait for vacation
sorry if I made you depressed by the end of that one *sigh*

in the good news catigory
I got my Plushy book today from Amazon
YAY!!! so expect to see lots more plushies soon

I am tired of the weight I am at now, I want to lose weight...but its just so HARD!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!

Ok...I feel slightly better now that i got that out
thank you for reading
I love you guys (not like..yeah...) O.o
