ITS MAY!!!!!

"April Showers Bring May Flowers" ~ Anonymous

Hey guys *waves* Whats up? I am good
we had art class this morning, I didnt get to make the doll I wanted, let me tell you

We arrived and I started to unwrap the clay that I was going to use for the doll, right? K
then the teacher said "Well that is a pretty hard project, how about we do this kitty or doggy instead?"
So I went with it, thinking I made a kitty
I still have to bake it then paint its face on lol
but as we were leaving my mom and I realized that she is the same teacher who had taught watercolor at the JoAnn Fabrics and we didnt like her
and so we may/arent going back again
but I did just order the book that had the doll in it from Amazon so I can make it here at home YAY
and I now have tons of clay to make stuff with WOOT

right now I am working on finishing a bag for my friends birthday
I am crocheting in, its awesome already
I will take a pic when I am done
and maybe take commissions for them

anyways on to what I wanted to say

Would you please join Moonlit Dream and I in OC month
May is now a OC Month
where all you draw all month is OC's
except for prizes and whatnot
other than that
all you draw is OC's
