Meet your fellow otaku and enjoy some anime at the weekly Anime Club meetings in the Community Chat.
What's the Anime Club?
The Anime Club is a weekly chat room in theOtaku's community chat where we meet to have fun laughing, crying, heckling, and spazzing together while watching a few episodes of anime. The anime will most likely be available on streaming sites since we're mainly going to stick to unlicensed shows. I hope the Anime Club will be a good opportunity for people to find new series and genres that they enjoy, and for series to gather support for if/when they're licensed.
What are you watching?
We're currently watching REC, a ten episode romantic comedy series. (The episode count only goes to 9 but there's a bonus episode 7.5.) It's a very sweet little series about an aspiring voice actress that fans of romance and drama should enjoy.
When are the next episodes?
We will be watching REC episodes 1 - 5 on Saturday, November 8, at 10:00 PM Eastern Time (7:00 PM Pacific). The chat room will open a half hour early, around 9:30 PM Eastern, and the episodes will last about an hour altogether. We hope to see you there!
The password for the chat room will be: umaiki
To make sure you guys can have some idea as to how the US election is shaping at this moment, I've decided to do something new today. I bring you The Votercooler '08. The data used here is from Google News.
Simplistic, yes. But if you're gonna be sticking around in theOtaku for the next few hours, this might be a bit of a help for you.
The Votercooler '08, through the data acquired from Google News, officially declares Barack Obama as the winner of the 2008 US presidential elections.
The polls, they be closing soon. If your state is open and you have yet to vote, go do it. If not, join me in spirit flinging popcorn at the screen tonight while watching Steven Colbert. Leaving for an election day party now. And yes,
I VOTED!!!!!!!