What is the Watercooler?

It's a haven in the middle of a harsh, 9-to-5 world. A place where you can gather with your fellow human beings and bond over a paper cup full of cool refreshment.

All sorts of randomness is welcome here. Post pictures, videos, special Chat information, or just discuss news and current events.

Want to be a guest poster? PM TimeChaser.

Banner by Red Tigress

Indiana Jones and the Theme Song

A hilarious video I came across on the Youtube front page.
If your an Indy fan or have atleast seen the movies, this will make you smirk with joyish laughter!

Oh, my.

Just watch it, please.

theOtaku.com Anime Podcast IV - Ep. 11

Get it here!

Wanna celebrate the 100th TheOtaku.com podcast? Although it is unconfirmed, for our podcast guys did not count them or something... Anyone willing to confirm this and convince our podcasters to make it official?

Anyway, Spam away!

Be a man!

In case you didn't have enough of Russell Peters doing the Chinese accent . . . here you have probably his most iconic, all-time most quoted bit from his first big special. And yes, the language is about as clean as you can possibly hope for:

So yeah. That's the deal with that. Cheers.

My Otaku is still loved!

If you guys haven't noticed it yet, some little updates have been done to the old My Otaku website.

First of all is that if you have subscribed to anyone with active MyOtaku accounts, any update they make will be shown in the Overview section of the dashboard.

Next is just a minor change wherein a link to the PM system was added, informing you if you have new messages.

Well, that's all I have noted so far. Thanks to Cosmic Sailor for I got this info from his site.

On to other matters... Any clues or theories as to this cupcake incident going on around here?

Thanks to SunfallE (*looks suspiciously at the pink cupcake*) for this info. Turns out there are more changes/updates that I have missed. If you're not to busy, check out the Bossman's post in the Official World here: click me!


---end of edit---