What is the Watercooler?

It's a haven in the middle of a harsh, 9-to-5 world. A place where you can gather with your fellow human beings and bond over a paper cup full of cool refreshment.

All sorts of randomness is welcome here. Post pictures, videos, special Chat information, or just discuss news and current events.

Want to be a guest poster? PM TimeChaser.

Banner by Red Tigress

Boys Will Love The Nonstop Action!!!

Y'know what I hate? When marketing campaigns opt to spin an angle on a book, movie, TV show or what have you as something quite different from what they really are. Starship Troopers was a political satire promoted as a crazy sci-fi action flick (a mild example); Kung Fu Panda was marketed as a silly, goofy slapstick comedy rather than as a conscientious "follow your dreams" story with a true and earnest love of martial arts (medium example); Kingdom of Heaven, a historical disseration of faith, human nature and all things knightly, got the rip-roarin' action-adventure spin with Orlando's twinkling eyes. These sorts of things make me sad.

This particular example of this, however, hurts my soul a little less . . . check out this early pitch to get people on board the North American arrival of Sailor Moon:

Needless to say, this promo is crazy early in the process of bringing the series over and many things changed. But yeah . . . as the trope doth say, "never trust a trailor".

theOtaku.com Anime Podcast IV - Ep. 17

It's a short podcast, and we got nobody else to blame but ourselves. There's no craziness in the watercooler, nor news in the BNR. What is going on here? Anybody around?

I doubt there will be any need to spam this post since the podcast release was not announced here. But for formality's sake, here is the podcast.

The Only O people that made theOtaku.com meetup at AX

From the left Triguncat4, Fallenangel8, and Cassie the only people of theOtaku.com to show to the meetup.

Daniel Tosh Standup Comedy - Bleach Style

Alright, here's another stand-up comedian acted out by our favorite Bleach characters.

Try your best not to look at any lingering subtitles.

The Ichigo Pool

Ichigo will be in Japan for…eh, we’ll round it to 14 weeks. 89 days or whatever. With this announcement, speculation of how long it would take him to be arrested (for being a foreigner and for being, well, him) soon arose.

And then I had a brilliant idea. A pool.

So step right up! It’s the random pool to see how long it’ll take for our favorite strawberry to be arrested! All you’ve got to do is leave a comment and you will be randomly placed on the chart.

But just because there are 14 weeks doesn’t mean that only 14 people can join! Doubles may occur depending on how many people we get.

And what is the oh-so-sophisticated system for drawing lots? Me, a hat, and slips of paper. For your satisfaction, I’ll even post…um, pictures? Videos? I dunno, are you guys that psycho about something that’s really going to yield nothing?

Prizes? What’s that? 8D

Place yer bets!