What is the Watercooler?

It's a haven in the middle of a harsh, 9-to-5 world. A place where you can gather with your fellow human beings and bond over a paper cup full of cool refreshment.

All sorts of randomness is welcome here. Post pictures, videos, special Chat information, or just discuss news and current events.

Want to be a guest poster? PM TimeChaser.

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Oh dear...

I was wandering 'round the internets and came across a video of a Japanese comedian on the JapanProbe called Sekai No Nabeatsu (Atsumu Watanabe in real life). Apparently, he's recieved tons of attention lately with schitcks that involve acting odd while counting.

Creepy? I think so.

Pranks, anyone?

Yes, that Tracker is completely full of balloons. It also happens to be sitting in a rather conspicuous place in the parking lot of my sister's high school. Final day for seniors begs this kind of expression of familial love.

What kind of pranks or practical jokes have you gone giddy over, either pulling them on someone else or having them pulled on you?

Cake or Death!?

For anyone who's ever wondered what the whole "Cake or Death" thing is about (probably not many people here though), here is the routine by Eddie Izzard.

And as a bonus, this is the Leggo version

Mr MacUseless!

As one who use to watch MacGyver on a regular basis, I couldn't help but laugh when Beth sent me the link to this. So... I'm sharing it. :p


Last Call for Writers...

Sending out One last call for writers for TheO Story. This is the last week I will be looking for writers. The 18th is the last day I will be taking on writers. I originally said the 16th, but I will not be getting the final email out to...

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