What is the Watercooler?

It's a haven in the middle of a harsh, 9-to-5 world. A place where you can gather with your fellow human beings and bond over a paper cup full of cool refreshment.

All sorts of randomness is welcome here. Post pictures, videos, special Chat information, or just discuss news and current events.

Want to be a guest poster? PM TimeChaser.

Banner by Red Tigress

Crazy Violinist Genius!

I came across this man playing violin...

OHMYGOSH isn't that just CRAZY?



And the guy with the mustache makes me laugh. He has a sort of "come hither" look about him. Just watch him and tell me if he's not come hithering!

I Love You Till The End Of Time

I'm a huge fan of Meat Loaf and this commercial:

When I saw it at first I was really excited for the fact that Meat Loaf had a son and that he seemed a talented singer. Then, horror, I learn that Meat Loaf does NOT have a son, that the son in question was just an actor.


I wish all games were like this.

Oh. And count his laughs. It's hilarious.

Time for some science geekery

I love science, especially anything to do with astonomy, cosmology, or physics

Here is one of my favorite physicists, Michio Kaku, discussion the possibility of time travel.

Macarron Chacarron

This amazing video courtesy of CoLoR Me EviL.

Here is the Wiki article on it, if you're curious.