Show Me Yo Pumpkins!

Pumpkin carving is easily one of my favourite parts of Halloween, so I always try to do my best every year to do something special. Six years ago it was comedy/tragedy masks; five years ago, it was an arrow through a rotten spot; four years ago, it was ninja pumpkin; three years ago, "Anime-Face" and Venom; two years ago, last-man-on-earth-with-shotgun versus zombie pumpkins; last year . . . Domo-kun.

I was gonna just make a blog to show off mine, but I wanted to poke the community to see if anyone else did anything fun this year with their Halloween jack-o-lanterns. Share some pictures in the comments, I'm really curious to see what others have come up with!

As for this year for myself . . . I don't have the epic night time shots yet, but for now . . . I present, Kratos, the Jack-O-Lantern Of War!

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Happy Halloween, theO types.
