Plumber, Doctor, Kart Racer... Assassin...

Was gonna post this the other day, but felt I'd give it a day to soak (and to let me get to see it firsthand). There's a super cute shout-out in the new Assassin's Creed 2 game, and I must share. That said, this is super early in the game, so I won't say this is exactly spoileriffic - take that how you will.

Early in the game, as the young disgraced nobleman Ezio Auditore da Firenze, you flee Florence to take refuge with your uncle. Along the way, you get waylaid and attacked by people who want your head... that's when this big guy and his group arrive to save your butt and throw you a sword...

...what occurs after that is significantly hilarious:

Wahoo! That guy really gets around, doesn't he?
